You're invited to the NC3 National Signing Day on April 16!

Group of students at the NC3 Signing Day holding up their certificates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 | 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Must register by APRIL 10, 2025.

Participants are eligible for scholarships provided by the San Juan College Foundation!

What is NC3 National CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day?

Modeled after NCAA’s National Signing Day for athletes who commit to play sports in college, NC3 National Signing Day is a national event that celebrates first-time students who are planning to enter a Career Technical Education (CTE) program in the summer or fall of 2025.

What happens on NC3 National Signing Day?

You will join us for a live event, Wednesday, April 16, in San Juan College’s Henderson Fine Arts Center for a celebration. There, you will join your peers and sign a letter of intent to attend one of San Juan College’s Career Technical Education Programs in the summer or fall of 2025!  Industry partners; local and community leaders; and college deans and instructors will be on hand to celebrate you! Parents, families and friends are also encouraged to attend!

Join us at San Juan College Henderson Fine Arts Center or view the event on the SJC YouTube channel.

The SJC signing event will be part of a nationwide simulcast on NC3’s website.

Who is eligible to register for the NC3 signing event?

  • First-time students planning to pursue a Career Technical Education Program at San Juan College, beginning in the summer or fall of 2025
  • High School seniors, regardless of dual credit status
  • High School graduates, regardless of age
  • Students who have earned a High School Equivalency or GED®, regardless of age

What do I need to do to register for the event?

Fill out the registration form by April 10, 2025. After you complete the form, please check your email after April 10 for the exact time of your signing.


SJC School of Trades and Technology

  • Troy Brown at 505-566-3279
  • Samantha Ramires-Martinez at 505-566-3339

Please note this is a public event that will be filmed and photographed via streaming, news media outlets, and social media.

Eligible Career Technical Education Programs

Arts, Communication & Humanities:

Business & Entrepreneurship:

Computer Science, Information Technology & Cyber Security:

Education, Social Services & Public Safety:

Energy, Manufacturing & Transportation:

Health Science:

Science, Math & Engineering:

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