Thank you to our donors!

Allen Theatres, Inc.
Lou and Ruth Allison
American Society of Safety Engineers
Four Corners Chapter
Amos and Fran Anderson
APS / Four Corners Power Plant
Automotive Service Excellence
Dr. George and Caroline Bacon
Bank of America
Robert and Bernice Bayless
David Beavers
Bob and Betty Berry
BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Nick and Alicia Blasingame
BP America, Inc.
Carl and Lola Brown
Scott and Eleanor Brown
Glenette Cain-Deen
Ken and Joy Campbell
David and Madeline Christensen
Mary Elizabeth Christian
Citizens Bank
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
Charles and Gwen Clouthier
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Tamara Cole
Coleman Family Foundation
Connie Gotsch Arts Foundation
Harvey and Kay Crowley
Cy Cooper Company
Wayne and Cassie Dallas
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
Luci Davis
The Hon. John & Gayle Dean
John and Maxine Dean
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Alva Dickerhoff
James Dickerhoff
- A. and JoAnn Drake
Tom and Mary Dugan
Dugan Production Corporation
The Thomas and Mary Dugan Foundation
Steve and Melinda Dunn
Cheryl Durham
Doug and Evangeline Echols
Ellucian Company L.P.
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Rotary Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Roger Feurt
Annabelle Friddle
Friends of Father Kenneth Robertson
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Bessie Gherardini Revocable Trust
Mickey Ginn
Jack and Twila Goodding
Dr. Timothy Gordon
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
The Hon. Curtis and Becky Gurley
Manuel and Thelma Hastings
Dr. James and Tycie Henderson
Family and Friends of Jeffrey Hetrick
First National Bank of Farmington
Friends of Father Kenneth Robertson
Garfield Street Foundation
Holiday Inn of Farmington
Joe Hubbard
Family of Dr. Robert and Joan Hume
Independent Mobility Systems
Jim and Mary Lou Jacobs
The Patricia K. Jennings Foundation
Lucille M. Jordan
Family of Charles and June Keller
Pat Kendrick
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
Jim and Betty Kleinegger
Uma Krishnaswami
Kenneth Larsen
Dick and Laura Ledbetter
Bert and Lucille Levine
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation
Loah Woodrum Trust
Sylvia Little
Paul and Linda McClendon
Dr. John and Muriel McCulloch
Phillip T., Clara H. and Shannon McGrath
James McLaughlin
Greg and Rita Merrion
Mesa Air Group
Gerald and Helen Moser
Mountain Air Drilling Service Company
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
New Mexico Higher Education Department
New Mexico Land and Title Association
New Mexico Student Loans
Ann Noel
Northwest New Mexico National Association of Life Underwriters
H. and Linda Nye
Orthopedic Associates
Don Paulek
Drs. Doug & Toni Pendergrass
Kay Peters
Petroleum Accountants Society of
San Juan Basin
James S. Phillips
David and Maxine Pierce
PNM / San Juan Generating Station
Gregg and Tamara Price
Process Equipment & Service Company
Renews Auto Parts & Equipment
Robert and Maxine Rhien
Ed and Mary Lou Rhodes
Dr. Nancy Ridenour
John and Jean Ritzenthaler
Robert and Mary Jo Robinson
San Juan Basin Chapter of New Mexico Society of CPAs
San Juan Center for Independence
San Juan College Building Trades Students
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County Board of Realtors
San Juan Regional Medical Center
Jason and Stacy Sandel
B. and Priscilla Sandlin
Don Schreiber and Family
Dr. Joe Sharpe
Orville and Ella Smith
Drs. Carl and Carol Spencer
Mark and Liz Stockham
Amanda Sutherlin
Wayne Tarpley
Clinton and Dixie Taylor
Miriam Taylor
Myron and Revis Taylor
Nick and Shirley Tinnin
Victor and Debby Titus – The Titus Law Firm
Totah Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America
Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN)
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
United States Department of Education – Title III
George and Patricia Wagner
Craig and Becky Walling
Herman Walters
Joe Watson
Marlo and Louise Webb
Mildred Weir-Speer
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. - Farmington
Dr. Stuart and Jane Wilson
Kenneth and Loah Woodrum
Mildred Wright
Ziems Ford Corners
Gifts were made in loving memory of the following individuals
James Bachar
Lyndy D. Bennett
Betty A. Berry
Ethel Beyhan
Steve Biernacki
Kelley Brooks
Nancy E. Burris
Carolyn Chance
Charles E. Clouthier
Jack L. Coats
Claytie T. Cole
Scott Curtis
Vikki Damoth
Jean M. DeSalle
Kathryn S. Dixon
Thomas A. Dugan
Helen Duncan Hare
Phillip Ehrenhard
Julian S. Fleming
Melissa A. Ginn
Gary Golden
Amelia Greenberg
Aspen Hatch
Philip O. Hawkins
Mary Lou Jacobs
Joe Keesee
Sumant Krishnaswamy
Aspen H. Marthaler
Mary MacDonald
Randy Manning
Cecil C. Morrison
Tonya Nelson
Florinda Rael
Daniel Rey
Mary Lou Rhodes
Leslie D. Stewart
Garrett Voecks
Marlo Webb
Mildred Weir-Speer
Florene R. Williams
(Cumulative Giving)
American Petroleum Institute –
Four Corners Chapter
APS / Four Corners Power Plant
APS Foundation, Inc.
Aztec Well Servicing Company, Inc.
Basic Energy Services
Bayless Charitable Fund of the Denver Foundation
Bessie M Gherardini Revocable Trust
BHP Billiton New Mexico Coal
Bolack Museum Foundation / Tommy Bolack
Border States Electric
BP America, Inc.
Brindle Foundation
Carl and Lola Brown
Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co.
Chevron U.S.A.
Citizens Bank
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Coleman Family Foundation
Connie Gotsch Arts Foundation
ConocoPhillips Company
Cooper Energy Services
Robert and Mary Culpepper
DaimlerChrysler Donation Program
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
Daniels Fund
Alva C. Dickerhoff
James R. Dickerhoff
Dugan Production Corporation
Thomas Dugan
The Thomas and Mary Dugan Foundation
El Paso Field Services
Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Gary and Melodie Eyster
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First National Bank of Farmington
Annabelle Friddle
Gas Compressor Association
Susan Girton
The Estate of Guinevere Head-Brady
Intel Corporation
Arthur A. Jaquez
Kenneth Larsen
Bert Levine
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation, Inc.
Merrion Family Foundation
Merrion Oil & Gas Foundation
Mesa Air Group
Loyd and Margaret Methany
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust Inc.
New Mexico Higher Education Department
H. and Linda Nye
David and Maxine Pierce
PNM / San Juan Generating Station
Process Equipment & Service Company
Robert and Maxine Rhien
Riggs Oil & Gas Corporation
Jean Ritzenthaler
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan United Way
J.B. and Priscilla Sandlin
J. Wayne Tarpley
J. Wayne Tarpley Faculty Award Trust
Clinton and Dixie Taylor
Myron and Revis Taylor
Miriam Mumma Taylor
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
U.S. Dept. of Education - Title III
United Indian Traders Association
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Dr. Stuart and Jane Wilson
Loah D. Woodrum Trust
The Williams Companies, Inc.
The Williams Foundation
XTO Energy, Inc
(Cumulative Giving)
7-2-11 Food Stores, Inc.
A Road For The Cure Foundation
Ager Excavating
All American Technical Team
Allen Theatres, Inc.
Ruth Allison
Anonymous - Durango
A-Plus Well Service, Inc.
Ariel Corporation
Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co.
David Bacon, CPA, PC
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Bernice Bayless
Bisti Fuels Company, LLC
Thomas F. Bolack
Pamela Breithaupt
Walter and Carolyn Bump
Caterpillar, Inc.
Mary Elizabeth Christian
City of Farmington
Charles and Gwen Clouthier
Dr. Jack and Nancy Coats
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham
Consulate of Mexico
Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC
Cy Cooper Company
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
Dawn Trucking Company
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Dial Oil Company
Diamond Derrick Engineering Consulting Corp.
J.A. and Jo Ann Drake
Dresser-Rand Company
Doug and Evangeline Echols
Electrical Energy Services, Inc.
Ellucian Company L.P.
Energen Resources Corporation
Farmington Freightliner
Farmington Rotary Club
The First Tee
The Frame Corner, Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Jack and Twila Goodding
Joesph E. “Jack” and Twila Goodding Scholarship Trust
Deloris Griffith Trust
Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
Hastings Entertainment, Inc.
Cecil and Betty Henry
Erin Holden
Hollister-Stier Laboratories, LLC
Ignition Systems & Controls
Independent Mobility Systems, Inc.
Lucille Jordan
Dick and Laura Ledbetter
Sylvia Little
Lufkin Industries
M & R Trucking, Inc.
Roselyn Martin Shaw
McCune Charitable Foundation
Kerry and Phyllis Meier
Merrion Oil & Gas Corporation
Microsoft AATP Program
Missouri River Resources
Mobil Oil
Stella Montoya
Jeffrey and Kathy Jo Myers
N.A.C.E. International, Sandia Mountain Section
Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC
Steve and Susan Nelson
New Mexico Community Foundation
New Mexico Gas Company, Inc.
New Mexico Student Loans
Oil & Gas Equipment Corporation /
Kimray, Inc.
Petroleum Accountants Society of
San Juan Basin
Martin and Beverly Pierce
Pierce Family Foundation
Precision Tool & Distribution
Scotty and Aleata Raymond
Raytheon Missile Systems Company
Mary Lou Rhodes
Rig Equipment & Supply Company
San Juan Concrete Company
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County New Mexico
San Juan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary
Jerry and Clair Sandel
Schreiber Insurance Agency Inc.
Kevon Smith
Orville and Ella Smith
Melissa Stinemetze
SunRay Gaming of New Mexico, LLC
Technology Integration Group
Twin Stars Ltd.
United States Golf Association Foundation, Inc.
Waste Management of New Mexico, Inc.
Waukesha Engine, Dresser Inc.
Mildred Weir-Speer
Wells Fargo Foundation
Dean and Betty Wolcott
Woodridge Productions, Inc.
World Golf Foundation
WPX Energy, Inc.
Y & S Candies (Hershey Food Corporation)
(Cumulative Giving)
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Albuquerque TVI Foundation, Inc.
James and Margo Allee
Alltel Communications
American Business Women’s Association
American Furniture Company
American Indian Education Foundation
American Society of Safety Professionals
Anonymous – Farmington
Anonymous – Farmington
Arapahoe Drilling Co., Inc.
Armstrong-Coury Insurance
Automotive Service Excellence
Dr. George and Carolyn Bacon
Bailey’s Welding Service, Inc.
Basin Disposal, Inc.
Benefactor Productions, LLC
David Berry, CPA, PC
Big Red Tool, Inc.
Juanell Blasingame
Blue Jet
Ron and Nora Boice
BPOE Lodge 1747
Dr. David and Sally Bramhall
Eric and Nisa Bruce
Bureau of Land Management
Dr. Robert and Janet Burns
Ken and Joy Campbell
Mrs. H. R. Carter
Chandler & Company, LLP
Cheney-Walters-Echols, Inc.
The Chrysler Foundation
City of Farmington
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
CNJ Oilfield Services, LLC
Jack and Nancy Coats
Clarion and Barbara Cochran
Tamara Cole
The College Board - Southwestern Regional Office
James and Dianna Collins
Bonnie Connelly
Consolidation Coal Company
Eleanor Brown Cornelius
Cy and Manalynn Cooper
Harvey and Linda Kay Crowley
The Daily Times
D.J. Simmons, Inc.
Wayne and Cassie Dallas
David H. Paul, Inc.
Luci Davis
The Hon. John and Gayle Dean
Maxine Dean
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Devon Energy Corporation
Ron and Sue Dial
Distribution Management Corporation
DJR Operating, LLC
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Steve and Melinda Dunn
Eagle Point
ECOM America, Ltd.
Energy Maintenance & Construction, Inc.
Enterprise Products Operating LLC
David Eppich
E-spaces N.V.S.A.
Gerald and Sharon Farm
Farmington Evening Lions Club
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Faver’s Homes, Inc.
Fesco Contracting Company, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church
Fleming & Goff, P.A.
Randy Follis
Four Corners Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC
Four Corners Conference, Inc.
Four Corners Electric Company, Inc.
Four Corners Innovations, Inc.
Four-Four, Inc.
Alice Franey
Friends of Father Kenneth Robertson
Front Page News LLC
Gannett Foundation
Garcia & Company Jewelers
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Gateway Companies, Inc.
Dana and Marion Gebel
Mickey Ginn
Kerwin Gober
Greater Houston Community Foundation
The Greenville Foundation
Greer Stafford / SJCF, Inc.
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
The Hon. Curtis and Becky Gurley
Hagen-Dimmick Development Co., Ltd.
Pete and Judy Harmon
Dezmer and Jaye Harris
Kenneth Heil
Dr. James and Tycie Henderson
Dr. Pierre and Jung Ja Herding
Rod Hubble
Ernie and Faye Hunsaker
Dr. Don and Pam Hyder
ImageNet Consulting, LLC
Integrity Networking Systems, Inc.
Intel Foundation
Jim and Mary Lou Jacobs
Jaynes Corporation
The Patricia K. Jennings Foundation
William and Leone Jensen
John Moore & Associates, Inc.
Joseph E. “Jack” and Twila Goodding Scholarship Trust
Julie A. Hesse Estate
Kelco, Inc.
Steve and Kathy Kellenaers
Kinder Morgan Foundation
Cecilia King
Tommy Kitchens
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
Stacy Kluckman
Uma Krishnaswami
Michael and Diana Lacey
LeROI Compressors
The Lumpkin Foundation
Kenneth Lillie
Macnat LLC.
Paul and Elsie Mains
Edgar and Donna Mann
Don and Sandra Mapel
Robert and Lynda McBride
Muriel McCulloch
James McLaughlin
Kerry and Phyllis Meier
Greg and Rita Merrion
Mountain Air Drilling Service Co. LLP
Gordon Mumma
New Mexico Arts
New Mexico Land Title Association
New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority
Noel’s, Inc.
Kevin and Julie Ortenblad
Orthopedic Associates, P.A.
Karen Mumma Palmer
Parents Alliance, Inc.
Don Paulek
PELO Facet
The Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation, Inc.
Kay Peters
James Phillips and Dr. Pat Armell
Pinon Hills Golf Association, Inc.
PNM / SJGS - Emergency Response Team
Ronald and Carolyn Proctor
Dr. Nancy Ridenour
Riley Industrial Services, Inc.
Robert L. Bayless, Producer LLC
Jack and Martha Roberts
Dr. Hugh and Elizabeth Rogers
Robert Rosebrough
Rust Tractor Company
Ruth Brown Foundation
San Juan Basin Chapter, NM Society of CPAs
San Juan Center for Independence
San Juan College Building Trades Students
San Juan Compression, LLC
San Juan County Board of Realtors, Inc.
San Juan County Fire Department
San Juan Nurseries, Inc.
San Juan Reproduction Company
San Juan Rotary Club
Jason and Stacy Sandel
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Dr. J.E. and Jacque Sheppeck
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.
Dr. Dan Smith
Drs. Carl and Carol Spencer
Mark and Liz Stockham
Swift Transportation
Mike Tacha
Target Stores
Telluride Ski & Golf Company
David and Mitzi Thomas
Thriftway Marketing Corporation
Victor and Debby Titus - The Titus Law Firm
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
Triple S Trucking Company, Inc.
The Totah Chapter, Military Officers Association of America
C. and Lucylle Turner
United States Golf Association
Uselman Construction Company
Verizon Wireless
Visual Health Information Stretching
Charts, Inc.
W. Grainger, Inc.
Wagner Equipment Company
Blake and Jana Wallace
Wallace Chevrolet Cadillac, LLC.
Craig and Becky Walling
Herman Walters
Steve and Teresa Wamel
Webb Automotive Group
Marlo and Louise Webb
Tom L. Wheeler
Jack and Martha Wilson
Women Veterans of New Mexico
Woods Insurance Service, Inc.
Mildred Wright
Charlene Younger
Anne Zahrt-Brewer
Ziems Ford Corners
(Annual Giving)
Allen Theatres, Inc.
Ruth Allison
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Bayless Charitable Fund of the Denver Foundation
Big Red Tool Inc.
Bisti Fuels Company, LLC
Juanell Blasingame
Denise Bleakly
Dr. David and Sally Bramhall
James P. Bridges
Brindle Foundation
CampusWorks, Inc.
Chevron U.S.A.
Citizen’s Bank
Gwen Clouthier
Nancy Coats
James and Dianna Collins
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham
ConocoPhillips Company
Cooper Fire Protection Services, Inc.
Manalynn Cooper
Roy G. Dalpra Trust
Daniels Fund
The Hon. John and Gayle Dean
DJR Operating, LLC
Dugan Production Corporation
Robert and Janice Dye
Dr. Adrienne M. Forgette
Front Page News LLC
Gas Compressor Association
Bessie Gherardini
Joseph E. “Jack” and Twila Goodding Scholarship Trust
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Deloris Griffith Trust
The Hon. Curtis and Rebecca Gurley
Rod G. Huskey
Robin K. Jakino
K&C Transport, LLC
Steve and Kathy Kellenaers
Colleen King
Dr. Edward and Maria Kompare
Uma Krishnaswami
Sen. Raymond and Pat Kysar
Laura Ledbetter
Marshall and Rhonda Ledford
Robert and Cynthia Martin
McCune Charitable Foundation
Mike McDonald
Kerry and Phyllis Meier
Merrion Family Foundation
Navajo Transitional Energy Company, LLC
Steve and Susan Nelson
New Mexico Arts
New Mexico Higher Education Department
Drs. Doug and Toni Pendergrass
David and Maxine Pierce
Pete and Sue Rahn
Eddy Rawlinson
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County New Mexico
Jerry and Clair Sandel
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Charles Sharpe
Dr. Carol J. Spencer
Mark and Liz Stockham
Mike Tacha
Wayne Tarpley Faculty Award Trust
Revis W. Taylor Clouse
Westmeath Foundation
Patricia A. Wheeler
Dr. Stuart Wilson
(Annual Giving)
Harry S. Allen Trust
Dr. Boomer W. and Andrea Appleman
David E. Beavers
Danny and Rosalia Beyhan
Jillian Bishop
Bloomfield Seniors
Dr.Robert J. and Janet Burns
Jeffery Culler
Edward DesPlas
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. Adrienne Forgette
Four Corners Electric Company, Inc.
Kathleen Gross
Jeff and Millie Howle
Edward M. Huber
Mark I. Jacobson
Jaynes Corporation
Chad and Janet King
Nikhil and Heather Krishnaswamy
Mancos Lodge #100 A.F. & A.M.
Kathy Jo and Jeffrey Myers
Native Plant Society of New Mexico
Sherry and Randall Paxon
San Juan Basin Landman’s Association
San Juan United Way
Robert and Marsha Smith
Craig A. Stern
Tides Center
(Annual Giving)
Annette Abend
Dr. Karen Acree
Stacey Allen
Paul Almquist
Dan and Gwen Alston
American Association for Women In Community Colleges
Animas Lodge No. 15 AF & AM
Jake Arellano
Monique D. Armendariz
AVS New Mexico Chapter
Bayfield American Legion Post 143
Tracey Beasley
Elaine Benally
Michele Berkey
Roland and Elaine Berkey
Jon Betz
Sherrie Biringer
Joshua Bishop
Marjorie and Dr. Bruce Black
Crystal Blake
George H. Boulineau
Martha Bradley
Stacey L. Bradley
Betty Brock
Curtis B. Brooks
Troy Brown
Dr. John and Carol Burris
Abigail Calcote
Carol Carreon
James and Virginia Caywood
Pamela Charlton
Jordan Cepeda
Bobbyann Chavez
Lori Cheney
Minhwa Choi
Jefferson Chorn
Dale Clark
Marci Clark
Amy and Cameron Cooper
Dr. Andrea Cooper
Alicia Corbell
Cheryl Cothern
Mary E. Culpepper
Sherri Cummins
Jessica Curley
Sherry Curry-Graves
Maxine M. Dean
Liesl Dees
Gordon DeSpain
Stephanie Doering
Thalia Dorwick
Luann Dunlap
Nancy Dunn
Cynthia Dunnahoo
Scott Duran
Durango Lodge 46 AF & AM
Linann Easley
M. Eaves
Richard and Naoma Ekwall
Katherine Elliott
Don and Donna Ellis
Kristie Ellis
Dr. Andrea Ericksen
Escalante Shrine Club
Alexis Esslinger
Aurelia Etcitty
Dr. Brooke Evans
Craig and Elizabeth Evans
David L. Evans
Christy Ferrato
Teun Fetz
Carl L. Fike
Andrew and Gina Flesher
Sandra Foutz
Blanca Frias
Kate Fulton
Dolores Garcia
Rodolfo and Christine Garcia
Michael Glennon
Bernice Gonzalez
Derek Graff D.M.D. Ltd.
Cindy L. Gray
Lucy Haber
Sherry Hair
Randall and Judy Hale
Alyssa Hargis
Chris Harrelson
Clifton Harris
John R. and Mary Hatch
Shaun and Starla Heth
Debby Hibner
Kenny Hibner
Genevieve Hiltebrand
Robert Holman
Lloyd Holmes
Norman and Sue Howey
Howle Design & Photography
Joe Hubbard
Lawrence Hunt
Ibtesam Ibrahim Cockrell
Ron and Frances Jernigan
Tyrell Jim
Freida John
Raymond John
Wilbert John
Berlean Johnson
Ruben Johnson
Joppa Daylight Lodge #174 A.F. & A.M.
Ross and Joyce Kaferle
Dr. Kelly Kelley
Margaret E. Knight
Kris Kraly
Jered Kuebler
Kristina Lacey
Kerri Langoni Carpenter
Stanley Lanning
Vaughn Lewis
Laura Liebel
Melissa Lillie
Michael Lindsay
Lee-anne Lord
Murdoch Maloney
Manitou Lodge 68 AF & AM
Byron and Denise Manning
Dr. Julius Manz
Susan A. Marsden
Frankie Martin
Carmen Martinez
Daniel C. Massey
James McBee
Tanda McCombe
Dr. John and Dorothy McNeill
Amy McNelis-Lunn
Dolores M. Mei
James and Bonnie Meisner
Sarah Menapace
Mesa Lodge No. 55, AF & AM
Scott Michlin
Jerry and Denise Monaghan
Montezuma Lodge 145
Lizbeth Moreno
Mary Mould
Dawn Myers
Janis F. Nall
Nichole Nelson-Garcia
Network For Good
Alicia O’Brien
Sarah Oliver
Kelly Olsen
Order Of The Eastern Star La Plata #83
Paul M. Ostapuk
Michael Owen
Mike and Juanita Pacheco
Pagosa Lodge
Cynthia Painter
Park Hill Lodge No 148 A.F. & A.M.
Jeff Parkes
Laura Pate
Sherry Paxson
Peace and Harmony #158, Order of the Eastern Star
Dr. Janet Peterson
Shelly Pickett
Scott R. Pullen
Dr. Vicky and James Ramakka
Hannah Rankin
Lonnie Rednour
Debra Reed
John Reese
Greg Reynolds
Kyle Rhodes and Virginia Baxter
Rio Blanco Lodge 80
David Ripley
Amanda Robles
Matthew V. Ryan
Leslie Saavedra
Antonio Sanchez
San Juan Basin Shrine Club
San Juan Lodge No. 25 A.F. & A.M.
San Juan Masonic Lodge No 25
Ana Sawyer
Sherri Schaef
David and Rhonda Schaefer
Lori Schiess
Qinqin Schoser
Mindi-Kim Schrum
Ronald H. Schwartz
Linda Schwinghammer
Cuff and Noreen Sellmeyer
Paul A. Smith
Lisa Snyder
South Pueblo Lodge No. 31 A.F. & A.M.
Cleveland J. Spence
Paulette Stanley
Danielle Sullivan
Maudina Tallis
Kenneth and Patricia Tharp
Robert and Bobby Tiano
Tin Lizzie Unit
Dina Tingley
John Toolan
Chad and Nicole Triplett
Union Lodge No. 7 A.F & A.M
United Way of Central New Mexico
Nicole Van Pelt
Savana Vigil
LuAnn Walton
Edward Wasik
Kaana Watchman
Victoria Whitaker
John P. Witner
Casey and Megan Wells
Jason Wentz
Heather Westendarp
Kristofer Whited
Richard Wholf
James and Vanessa Wilcox
Vernon Willie
Ann Willmon
Morris and Loretta Wilson
Mikel Wilson
John and Debby Witner
Bart Womack
Dr. David Wright
Britney Wyatt
Allen Theatres (2)
APS-Four Corners Power Plant (3)
Automotive Service Excellence
George & Caroline Bacon
Bank of America (2)
Bob and Betty Berry
L. Blasingame Family
Scott and Eleanor Brown
Nisa Bruce New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium
Ken and Joy Campbell
Chevron USA
Citizens Bank
Dr. Stephen and Violet Clark
CLEAR Endowed Scholarship
Consolidation Coal Company
Wayne and Cassie Dallas “Treacherously”
Maxine M. and John A. Dean, Sr.
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
Joyce and Harry Donald
Rex and Nancy Dunn
Steve and Melinda Dunn
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Farmington Rotary Club
Farmington Savings Bank
Garfield Street Foundation of Santa Fe
Jack and Twila Goodding
Gonnsen-Snow Second Chance
Grade Court – Coleman Family Foundation
Dr. Robert and Monica Grossheim
Curtis and Becky Gurley
Manuel and Thelma Hastings
Holiday Inn of Farmington
Independent Mobility Systems
Eleanor Norman Kelly Nursing
Kiwanis Club of Farmington
Jim and Betty Kleinegger
Kenneth W. Larsen
Law Enforcement
Dick and Laura Ledbetter
Greg and Rita Merrion
Merrion Oil & Gas Corporation
Mountain Air Drilling Service Company, LLP
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
New Mexico Land Title Association
“Chili Currier”
New Mexico Student Loans
Northwest District Dental Society of
New Mexico
Northwest NM National Association of
Life Underwriters
Orthopedic Associates PA
Petroleum Accountants Society of
San Juan Basin (2)
PNM / San Juan Generating Station (2)
PTA 1998
Gregg Price
Renews Auto Parts and Equipment
Richardson Bannahan
Jean Ritzenthaler Nursing
Austin and Lois Roberts
San Juan Basin Chapter of New Mexico Society of CPAs
San Juan County Abstract & Title Company
San Juan County Board of Realtors
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan College Automotive /ASE
Stockham Family
Myron and Revis Taylor
Nick and Shirley Tinnin
Totah Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America
Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN)
Tres Rios A.B.A.T.E. of New Mexico, Inc.
Waste Management of New Mexico, Inc.
Marlo and Louise Webb
Mildred Weir-Speer
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Jane and Stuart Wilson
Ziems Ford Corners
Angie Amerman Memorial
ASSP Four Corners Chapter, Rod Troxell Memorial Scholarship
Beverly Bakkum Memorial
Robert and Bernice Bayless Memorial
John J. Benally Memorial
Goldie and Quenton Brewer Memorial
John Carl Brown Memorial (2)
Building Trades – Dan Murray Memorial
John M. Christensen Memorial
Charles E. Clouthier Memorial
Wilma R. Cochran Memorial
Herb Cox Memorial
Luci Davis Memorial
Alva Dickerhoff Memorial (2)
James Dickerhoff Memorial
James and Margaret Dickerhoff Memorial
Gladys Pauline Drake Memorial
Mary Dugan Memorial
Sherman Dugan Memorial
Thomas Dugan Memorial
Jack and Della Mae Echols Memorial
Roger Feurt Memorial
Julian S. Fleming Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Herb and Annabelle Friddle Memorial
Bessie M. Gherardini Memorial Scholarship
Melissa Ginn Memorial
George and Dolores Givler Memorial
Gary Golden Memorial
Celeste Elaine Gordon Memorial
Steven Griffith Memorial
Stanley Harland Memorial
Mary Harper Memorial
Head-Brady Memorial
Heather Hiskey Memorial
Jeffrey B. Henderson Memorial
Jeffrey L. Hetrick Memorial
Carroll and Marylee Hopper Memorial
Dr. Robert & Joan Hume Memorial
Thomas Jacobs Memorial
Alvina Martinez Jaquez Memorial
Art Jaquez Memorial
Patricia K. Jennings Memorial
Guy and Lucille Jordan Memorial
Bobby Kellenaers Memorial
June and Charles Keller Memorial
C.O. Kendrick Memorial
Bryce King Memorial
Lucille Levine Memorial
Curtis J. Little Memorial
Frank and Luke Martin Memorial
Kathy Cummins McDonald Memorial
Rubey McGarrh Memorial
Phillip T., Clara H. and Shannon McGrath Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Donald M. Megill Memorial
Mesa Air Group Pilot Memorial
Colgan Thomas Mumma Memorial
Joy Noel Memorial
C.H. and Linda Nye Memorial
Shirley K. Thompson Paulek Memorial
Red and Ted Pennington Memorial
Edwin A. Rhodes Memorial
Ray, Terri, and Gregory Rhodes Memorial
Dr. John Ritzenthaler Memorial
Father Kenneth Robertson Memorial
Nancy Sandel Memorial
B. and Priscilla L. Sandlin Memorial Educational Fund
Harold E. Schaefer, Jr. Memorial
Sadie Schreiber Memorial
Aileen R. Stage Memorial
Leslie Donovan Stewart Memorial
Cynthia Sweetland Memorial
Wayne Tarpley Memorial
Joseph William Tarpley /
Fran Sandoval Memorial
Clinton and Dixie Taylor Memorial
Merrill Taylor Memorial
Miriam Mumma Taylor Memorial (2)
Charles and Viola Titus Memorial
Angelo Turano Memorial
Garrett Voecks / Claytie Cole Memorial
Douglas C. and Thelma Ruth Wade Memorial
Lorraine L. Wadman Memorial
Brian Christopher Wagner Memorial
Gary and Ben Walling Memorial
Walters Family Memorial
Joe and Joy Watson Memorial
K.O. Wilbanks Memorial
Raho Williams Memorial
Grace B. Wilson Memorial
Kenneth and Loah Woodrum Memorial
Dot and Walt Zahrt Scholarship for
Emerging Learners
Cecilia Ballinger-King Chemistry Prize
Lucy Student Award
San Juan College Transfer Student Award
Sumant Krishnaswamy Memorial Award for Excellence in Tutoring
Lou and Ruth Allison Faculty
Excellence Award
Annabelle Friddle Faculty Excellence Award
Jane and Stuart Wilson Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award
Fran Sandoval Support Staff
Excellence Award
Jane & Stuart Wilson Professional Staff Excellence Award
General Studies / Annabelle Friddle
Health Sciences / Tom and Sherman Dugan
Literacy and Math / Sam and Sherry Butler, Citizens Bank, David and Maxine Pierce
Native American Studies / BHP Billiton
New Mexico Coal
Allied Health Programs
BHP Foundation
Myrle Bogle Memorial – Library Support
Mary Elizabeth Christian – Native American Nursing Students Mentoring & Tutoring
Gayle and John Dean – Friends of Sherman Dugan Mineral Museum Support
Food Hub and Food Pantry Endowment
Connie Gotsch Arts Foundation
Debbie Hemphill Memorial - Occupational Therapy Assistance Program
Bert Levine – Library Support
Lincoln O’Brien Foundation – General
Colgan Thomas Mumma Memorial –
Music Programs
New Mexico HED Business & Information Technology
Miriam Mumma Taylor Memorial – Library Support
United States Department of Education – Title III
Steve Wamel -Dual Credit
Harry S. Allen Memorial
ASSP Four Corners Chapter
Aztec Strong
Bisti Fuels Company
Bloomfield Senior Center
Chevron USA Energy Programs
Chevron USA Math & Science Programs
Chevron USA Petroleum Technology
Lease Operator
James Childers Memorial
Coleman Family Foundation Grade Court
ConocoPhillips Company
ConocoPhillips CO/ SOE Native American NM Resident
Roy G. Dalpra Memorial
Daniel’s Boundless Opportunity
Desk and Derrick Club of Farmington
DJR Operating SOE Scholarship
Dine Bilingual Teacher
Dallas Duvall Memorial
Merrion FACE
Farmington Noonday Civitan Club
Key to the World of Music and Theatre
Merrion Kick Start – San Juan College
High School
Chris Murphy Memorial
N.A.C.E. International Sandia Mountain Section
Navajo Transitional Energy Company -Dormitory Annual Scholarship Fund
New Mexico Professional Surveyors Association, Robert B. Stannard Jr. Memorial Drafting
PNM Navajo Nation Workforce Training
Debbie Prell Memorial Math & Science
San Juan County Commissioners
SJC Foundation Campaign Contributions
Linda Jo Spencer
WPX Energy