Explore the various grants that have been received throughout 2022

Autobody Program receives grant to buy equipment
San Juan College Auto Body program was one of four schools in the nation to receive the $2,500 Collision School Career Readiness Benchmark grant from the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF).
The CREF grant provides collision schools with the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date tools, equipment and supplies to enhance the educational experience and ensure graduates are prepared to successfully enter the workforce upon graduation.
With the $2,500 grant, the Auto Body program purchased welding equipment. “This new equipment will not only cut aluminum, but it will also allow the program to provide cutting edge training to our students,” said Jared Blood, Auto Body coordinator.
College named Metallica Scholar
San Juan College was selected from a competitive field of community colleges across the country to receive $100,000 to transform the future of students in the community.
Since establishing the Metallica Scholars Initiative in 2019, All Within My Hands Foundation (AWMH) has been working with the American Association of Community Colleges to provide direct support for career and technical education (CTE) programs across the nation.
On average, students who graduate from a CTE program see new job opportunities and increased salary potential up to three times higher than they would had they not completed a CTE program. SJC will focus its efforts on the building trades programs. The college’s goal is to elevate students’ skill sets by meeting industry standards and raising the level of academic programs offered.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation awards SJC $300k
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation awarded San Juan College a $300,000 grant to increase high-quality early learning access for infants and toddlers in San Juan County.
San Juan College’s Child and Family Development Center (CFDC) expanded childcare services by opening a second childcare center at San Juan College’s East Campus in Aztec. The East Campus also serves as a site for Vista Nueva High School, an alternative high school for Aztec Municipal School District.
The role of the CFDC is to provide childcare to families and children ages six-weeks to five years of age. Additionally, the CFDC is a laboratory setting for San Juan College early childhood education students and will provide a hands-on learning experience in a small supportive setting with future capacity to incorporate dual-credit opportunities for Aztec Municipal Schools.