Executive Director Gayle Dean presented the Lou and Ruth Allison Faculty Excellence Award on behalf of the San Juan College Foundation to Dr. Laura Black.

Executive Director Gayle Dean presented the Lou and Ruth Allison Faculty Excellence Award on behalf of the San Juan College Foundation at the 2023 graduation ceremony. The year’s recipient, Dr. Laura Black, is the director and associate professor of the San Juan College Veterinary Technician Program. In addition to teaching many courses, Black oversees eight full-time and up to 20 part-time faculty in 50 different states and all different time zones. She is instrumental in recruiting and developing new faculty to meet the needs of this growing program. She collaborates with industry partners and has an active and engaged advisory committee. Black led the program through a successful accreditation self-study and site visit.
Vet Tech is the number one major declared at San Juan College for the last 5 years
Some testimonials from her students include, “this school has been the best thing to happen to my professional career.” Another student writes, “I love being able to go to school at San Juan College. It allows me to do school work and have time to volunteer at a local clinic. I absolutely love my program and the professors.” Black has been with San Juan College for 17 years and provides leadership to the largest program at San Juan College. This program serves over 1,000 students a year all over the United States and internationally. It has the number one major declared by San Juan College students for the last 5 years. This year’s Allison award winner and her family volunteer for Future Farmers of America and 4-H chapters in their community. She even provides animals and support for any young person who wants to raise and show animals, so they can learn about animal care. Black is so passionate about her field that she is willing to transport chickens, rats and mice in her personal vehicle for student learning activities. The Allison Award, one of the most prestigious given to a faculty member at San Juan College, carries with it a $2,000 stipend. The award, which is administered through the San Juan College Foundation, was established in 1986 by Ruth and the late Lou Allison, of Farmington, to honor faculty members who demonstrate a commitment to both the student and an academic discipline