Leadership San Juan Alumni Association
The mission of Leadership San Juan Alumni Association (LSJAA) is to further the objectives of Leadership San Juan in promoting leadership in San Juan County. We need your help to inform and educate our communities on important local, statewide, and national issues. As part of LSJAA, you will find it easy and fun to maintain the valuable friendships and connections you’ve made. It’s a great way to enrich your personal and professional life, and contribute to the success of future LSJ graduates. LSJAA can be reached at PO Box 3151, Farmington, NM 87499.

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Leadership San Juan Alumni Association Board of Directors
- Steve Nelson, 1990
- Don Miszkiel, 1991
- Dennis Gross, 1992
- Linda Benson, Treasurer, 1993
- Sandy Williams, Past President, 1995
- Alvin Klein, 1996
- Debbie Klein, 1997
- Ruth Brooks, LSJ Bd. Rep., 1998
- Deb Dumont, 1998
- Diane Schmidt, President Elect, 1999
- Troy Fuhrman, 2000
- Patricia Simpson, 2001
- Ben Lyons, 2002
- Wayne Mangum, 2003
- Carmen Martinez, 2004
- Tammy Neville, Secretary, 2005
- Tina Pacheco-White, LSJ Bd. Rep, 2006
- Jennifer Mitchell, 2007
- Kirk Carpenter, 2008
- Daniel Webb, 2009
- Teresa Becker, 2010
- Lori Parks, 2011
- Jyl Adair, 2012
- Teresa Emrich, 2013
- Natalie Spruell, 2014
- Jason Calcote, 2015
- Andrea Jones, 2016
- Cole Stoneman, 2017
- Crystal Arellano, LSJ Bd. Rep, 2018
- Heather Holmes, 2019
- Steve Hebbe, 2019
- Brenna Cook, 2020
- Micah Doering, 2020
- Kristi Hughes, President, 2022
- Brian Erickson, 2022
- Jeanene Valdes, 2023
- Aspen Groen, 2024