The San Juan College Testing Center is open for all vendor testing by appointment. Masks are optional while on SJC campus. Testing Center staff continue to practice the vendor required COVID-19 safe practices with each test taker and at each test station.
The mission of the San Juan College Testing Center is to provide high quality testing and assessment services that observe the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Professional Standards and Guidelines in order to meet the growing needs of our students, faculty, administration, and community.
- Show your ID upon arrival at the check-in. Your driver's license, passport, or other government-issued Photo I.D. are acceptable forms. Many tests require two forms of I.D. - follow the requirements of your vendor. Current student ID's are acceptable only for SJC student exams, NOT vendor exams.
- PROHIBITED ITEMS may be stored in one of our lockers. Candidates will be given a locker key at check-in. Testing candidates may NOT bring the following into the testing room:
- Purses, books, and backpacks
- Cell phones, MP3 players, car key fobs, cameras, or other electronic devices
- Food, candy, gum, cough drops, or beverages
- Hats and hoodies
- Watches, digital or analog
- If examinees wear excessive perfume, cologne, or other strong-smelling lotions/sprays which could impact other candidates, they could be asked to wash it off or reschedule the exam.
- Special accommodations due to a disability or medical condition must be arranged in advance with the Director of Testing, the SJC Disability Services Office, or the specific vendor. Appropriate documentation will be required. Contact the Testing Center for questions.
- Everything you need for the actual test will be provided. You will NOT be allowed to take any materials into the testing room unless specified by your instructor or vendor.
- If scratch paper is authorized by your exam, we will supply scratch paper. All scratch paper-used and unused-must be returned following the exam. We will provide writing utensils if required.
- If you are ill or have a fever, please reschedule the exam. We do not want to pass along the flu or other contagious illnesses.
- Only testing candidates are allowed in our testing rooms or waiting areas. The SJC Testing Center staff cannot be responsible for children or adults who require care and supervision. Do not expect family members and others to wait for you in our waiting areas.
Academic Honesty
San Juan College believes that the basis for personal and academic development is honesty. Personal commitment, honest work, and honest achievement are necessary characteristics for an educated person. Dishonesty is unacceptable.
Instances of academic dishonesty of any kind—using unauthorized materials, sharing information with another examinee, using technology inappropriately, misrepresenting oneself as someone else, or any other method—will not be tolerated. Examinees found to be cheating while testing in the SJC Testing Center will be stopped and the exam and any notes or other materials being used will be collected. The exam will be marked as Invalid, and the exam and any materials being used will be housed in the SJC Testing Center.
ACT College Entrance Exams
The San Juan College Testing Center will administer the ACT on April 12 and June 14, 2025.
Students will need to create an account at the ACT to schedule a test and pay for the exam. In addition, the website contains helpful information about scoring, how to request score reports, and study guides.
SAT College Entrance Exams
The San Juan College Testing Center will administer the Digital SAT (Bring your own device) on March 8 and June 7, 2025.
Create an account at SAT for detailed information regarding payments, dates, study guides, and registration info.
San Juan College Testing Center administers the ATI TEAS for students applying to San Juan College Health Science programs. Each program offers a specific test window in which to test. Please check the table below for the exact dates to schedule your test appointment.
Steps for Scheduling an ATI TEAS Exam at SJC
- Pay the $99 test fee at the SJC Business Office in the Administration Building or by calling the SJC Business Office at 505-566-3396. Keep the receipt number. This fee is non-refundable.
- Create a user account at ATI Testing. Bring your username and password to launch the exam on test day. Do NOT schedule or pay with ATI.
- Schedule your appointment online at Please schedule your exam for at least 72 hours in advance. The receipt number is required to make an appointment.
- Read the Rules for Use of the Testing Center carefully so you will know what to expect on the day of your appointment.
- Check-in at the Testing Center, Room 7129D, Information Technology Center, 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Bring a government-issued photo ID.
- Test appointments are scheduled Tuesday – Saturday at 8:30 AM or 1:00 PM.
- ATI TEAS – Students may take the exam one time per testing window.
- The test appointment will be 3.5 hours in duration.
- Bring your ATI account user name and password to launch the exam.
- If you are ill or have a fever, please call to reschedule.
- If examinees wear excessive perfume, cologne, or other strong-smelling lotions/sprays, they may be asked to reschedule the exam.
- Only testing candidates are allowed in our testing rooms or waiting areas.
- Everything you will need for the actual test will be provided. You will NOT be allowed to bring any personal items into the testing room.
- Calculators are NOT allowed.
- The ATI TEAS exam fee is non-refundable.
Prohibited Items
All prohibited items may be stored in one of our lockers.
- Purses, books, and backpacks
- Cell phones, car key fobs, or any electronic devices
- Food, candy, gum, cough drops, or beverages
- Hats and hoodies
- Watches, digital or analog
For remote ATI TEAS exam options, please visit ATI's website at
Testing Dates
- Dental Hygiene
- For the ATDH exam, please visit the Prometric website at
- Nursing
- ATI TEAS - 11/05/2024-11/23/2024, 01/21/25-02/14/25
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- ATI TEAS - 09/10/2024-09/28/2024, 10/22/2024-11/16/2024, 02/18/2025-03/08/2025, 03/25/2025-04/05/2025, 04/15/2025-04/26/2025
Why take CLEP exams?
By taking one or more CLEP exams in your strong subjects, you’ll…
- Save time. Get college credit for what you already know. Be rewarded for what you’ve learned through independent study, advanced high school courses, non-credit adult courses, or professional development.
- Save money. Compare the cost of a CLEP exam, just $95, to hundreds — even thousands — of dollars in tuition. CLEP exams are free to active military service members.
- Make college more interesting. Move right into advanced courses.
- Graduate on time. CLEP can help you to the finish line if you’re a few credits shy of graduating.
- Satisfy a proficiency requirement. Demonstrate you’ve already mastered the content of, for example, a basic math or language course. Great for dual-degree candidates or students just a few credits shy of graduation.
Steps to schedule a CLEP exam:
- Create your CLEP account at then “Get started with CLEP” and pay the exam fee of $95. SJC offers credit for the exams listed below only.
- Pay the $35 non-refundable proctor fee at the SJC Business Office 505-566-3396. Save your receipt number.
- Contact the Testing Center at 505-566-3139 to schedule your appointment. Your receipt number will be required.
Study Guide Available:
CLEP Examination Minimum Scores and Credits
CLEP Examination | Minimum Score | Equivalent SJC Course | Credit Granted |
Business | |||
Accounting, Financial | 54 | ACCT 201 | 4 |
Business Law, Introductory | 50 | BLAW 2110 | 3 |
Information Systems and Computer Applications | 50 | BCIS 1110 | 3 |
Management, Principles of | 54 | MGMT 2110 | 3 |
Marketing, Principles of | 50 | MKTG 2110 | 3 |
Composition and Literature | |||
American Literature | 50 | ENGL 2610 OR ENGL 2620 | 3 |
College Composition | 50 | ENGL 1110 | 3 |
College Composition | 70 | ENGL 1120 | 6 |
College Composition Modular (multiple choice only) | 50 | ENGL 1110 | 3 |
English Literature | 50 | ENGL 2660 | 3 |
Humanities | 50 | HUMA 210 and HUMA Elective | 6 |
Foreign Languages | |||
French Language | 50 | FREN 1110 and FREN 1120 | 8 |
German Language | 50 | GERM 1110 and GERM 1120 | 8 |
Spanish Language | 50 | SPAN 1110 and SPAN 1120 | 8 |
Spanish Language | 63 | SPAN 2110 and SPAN 2120 | 14 |
History Social Sciences | |||
American Government | 50 | POLS 1120 | 3 |
History of the US I: Early Colonization to 1877 | 50 | HIST 1110 | 3 |
History of the US II: 1865 to the present | 50 | HIST 1120 | 3 |
Human Growth and Development | 50 | PSYC 2120 | 3 |
Psychology, Introductory | 50 | PSYC 1110 | 3 |
Social Sciences and History | 50 | HIST 1150 and SOCI 1110 OR POLS 1110 | 6 |
Sociology, Introductory | 50 | SOCI 1110 | 3 |
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | 50 | HIST 1150 | 3 |
Western Civilization II: 1648 to present | 50 | HIST 1160 | 3 |
Science and Mathematics | |||
Algebra, College | 59 | MATH 1220 | 3 |
Biology | 50 | BIOL 2110 and BIOL Elective (4) | 8 |
Calculus | 70 | MATH 1510 | 4 |
Chemistry | 63 | CHEM 1120 and CHEM Elective (4) | 8 |
Mathematics, College | 57 | MATH 1130 and MATH 1215 | 7 |
Pre-Calculus | 65 | MATH 1230 and MATH 1240 | 7 |
The San Juan College Testing Center is now part of the special test network for Praxis exams. The Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) exams are comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs, such as students in the SJC Alternative Licensure Program. The Praxis® Subject Assessments are tests that measure general and subject-specific content knowledge that you need for beginning teaching or for current teachers adding an endorsement to their current license.
Praxis exams are required for teachers in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona. All of the Praxis exams are available at the SJC Testing Center.
To schedule a Praxis exam, candidates register at the Praxis website to pay for and select an exam date.
The San Juan College Testing Center is following all CDC Corona Virus guidelines to provide a safe environment for test candidates and proctors.
New Mexico High School Equivalency (HSE) Credential Testing
Each candidate now has the option of taking the four GED computer-based exams or the five HiSET tests. Both pathways will earn the candidate the New Mexico High School Equivalency Certificate.
If you are ready to Schedule an HSE test
- Create an account at GED or HiSET.
- Pay the exam fee, select a test site, and schedule a test appointment.
- Pay the proctor fee to the San Juan College Business Office (505-566-3396). Notate the receipt number.
- Arrive at SJC Testing Center on test day 30 minutes prior to appointment time to check-in at the Front Desk. Bring your government-issued ID with signature and proctor fee receipt.
Test Preparation Classes
San Juan College offers both HiSET and GED test preparation classes through the SJC Academic and Career Engagement Center (ACE) to adults who do not have a high school diploma. ACE offers free non-credit classes in basic reading, math, and writing, to prepare for the final high school equivalency exams.
For more information on the ACE program, visit or call (505) 566-3270. If you are unable to attend the high school equivalency preparation classes, both programs have free and for-purchase study materials available at their respective websites:
Under 18 years old
- Complete an Underage/Permission/Hardship/Withdrawal form with a signature from parent/guardian and District Superintendent Designee/Home School Operator.
- Deliver completed form to the Director at SJC Testing Center.
The SJC Testing Center offers proctoring services for students from other colleges and universities during our regular business hours Tuesday through Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. The proctoring fee is $35.00 per exam appointment.
Steps for scheduling a proctored exam from another institution
- Have the cooperating institution email the exam details to the San Juan College Testing Center at
- We will verify details to ensure that we have the required facilities.
- Next, the student will pay the proctor fee to the San Juan College Business Office. (505) 566-3396; notate your receipt number.
- Contact the Testing Center to schedule a test appointment. Have your receipt handy. (505) 566-3139 or
- To be prepared on test day, arrive 15 minutes early, bring a valid ID, and review the SJC Testing Center Policies and Procedures.
Certification and Licensure Examinations
The San Juan College Testing Center is an authorized vendor testing center for many major certification and licensure examinations. Scheduling for most of these exams is provided through the accrediting professional organization’s website. The listing below includes but is not limited to, some of the vendor testing offered at SJC. To access the listed organizations or vendors, follow the logo links below to navigate to the appropriate site; or if indicated, call the SJC Testing Center at (505) 566-3139 for more information.
To schedule an examination with one of the testing companies below, please click the vendor's name.
- DANB Assisting National Board
- Meazure Learning
- Iso-Quality Testing, Inc.
- Kryterion
- NCCT- National Center for Competency Testing
- Pearson | VUE
- Prometric
To schedule an examination from the list of vendors below, contact the San Juan College Testing Center.
- ProV
- Certiport
- Esco Group
SJC instructors may arrange for students to complete a course exam at the Testing Center if a student is unable to take the exam in class. The instructor will follow the steps below to set up arrangements in advance. The Testing Center is open Wednesday through Saturday for SJC make-up exams. Students must bring a photo ID upon check-in.
SJC Testing Center Policies and Procedures
Steps for Instructors:
- Complete an Instructions for Proctored Exams.
- Provide copies of the test (if paper/pencil exam)
- Attach a roster with student names with ID numbers
- Email instructions and roster or hand-deliver paper/pencil tests to the Testing Center. To ensure test security, only SJC faculty or staff are allowed to deliver or pick up exams.
- Inform students to schedule a test appointment by clicking on "Schedule Your Test Appointment Here" on our Testing Center web page and to read the SJC Testing Center Policies and Procedures.
ADA Accommodations Testing
An instructor may arrange for a student with a documented need for extra time (only) to take the exam in the SJC Testing Center. The Testing Center Director will confirm accommodations with the San Juan College Disabilities Office. Arrangements must be made in advance. Appointments are required. The SJC Testing Center will adhere to the instructor's test details. Photo identification is required upon check-in.
We subscribe to the National College Testing Association Professional Standards and Guidelines. We are a member of the Consortium of College Testing Centers, supporting distance learning.