Science students working with samples in lab setting.


To get the most out of your tutoring session, please come with questions, your assignment sheet, book, and any notes from your instructor.

Our science tutors are here to help you master the concepts and content of your science classes, develop successful study strategies, and provide study aids such as anatomical models. We provide tutoring in the following subject areas:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Geology

Science Resources:

  • Hot-sheets such as handouts containing summaries of science-related topics
  • Manipulatives:
    • Anatomical models
    • Microscopes and slides
    • Rocks and minerals sets
    • Chemical modeling sets
    • Physics kits
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks

Additional Online Resources:

All Sciences

Sporcle –  Quizzes to take or create for many different subject areas.


InnerBody – Has detailed information and wonderful images of muscles, bones, and organs from each organ system. Each organ (including muscles and bones) is shown both in the whole body and in isolation and has a detailed description.

Virtual Histology Laboratory – More than 225 virtual microscope slides of the tissues studied in a lab.  The slides are clickable so that each click brings you in closer to the tissue.

SEER training modules, National Cancer Institute – Text and illustrations describing anatomy and physiology.  Quizzes at the end of each section.

Get Smart – Slideshow style tutorials explaining both anatomy and physiology topics.  

Anatomy Mnemonics – This is a list of human anatomy mnemonics, categorized and alphabetized.

Physics – Very rich in its own right with a search bar to find other physics sites.


Engineering Toolbox - Tools and Basic Information for Design, Engineering and Construction of Technical Applications.

We offer tutoring in the following courses:

  • All prerequisite and core classes.
  • Math for Nurses
    • Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4

We offer tutoring support for all writing assignments in all health science classes.

Note that tutoring for specific classes may have limited availability. Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator for availability.


  • Manipulatives:
    • Anatomical models
    • Microscopes and slides
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks
  • Content specific YouTube Videos

Online Resources:

InnerBody – Has detailed information and wonderful images of muscles, bones, and organs from each organ system.  Each organ (including muscles and bones) is shown both in the whole body and in isolation and has a detailed description.

Virtual Histology Laboratory – More than 225 virtual microscope slides of the tissues studied in a lab.  The slides are clickable so that each click brings you in closer to the tissue.
SEER training modules, National Cancer Institute – Text and illustrations describing anatomy and physiology.  Quizzes at the end of each section.

Get Smart – Slideshow style tutorials explaining both anatomy and physiology topics. 

Anatomy Mnemonics – This is a list of human anatomy mnemonics, categorized and alphabetized.

We offer tutoring in the following courses:

  • Technical Drafting 1, 2, & 3*
  • Intro to AutoCAD*
  • Advanced AutoCAD*
  • Statics and Strengths of Materials*
  • Drafting for Industry*
  • Engineering Graphics*
  • 3D Modeling*
  • Photoshop*
  • Adobe Suites*
  • Virtual Media Arts*
  • Illustrator*

We offer tutoring support in Trigonometry for all classes listed above.

*Note that tutoring for specific classes may have limited availability. Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator for availability.

Trades and Technology Resources:

  • Hot-sheets such as handouts containing summaries of Trades and Technology-related topics.
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks
  • We offer math and writing tutoring, as well as study skills and test taking workshops.

Online Resources:


Autodesk - When downloading and installing the software, the student will need verification from the educational institute. Please see the video tutorial for Operating System specifications below.


Adobe Creative Cloud - Get a free trial  

3dsMax - When downloading and installing the software, students will need verification from the educational institute. 

Photoshop -  Download a free trial of Photoshop though this link.

Tutors are available for most math courses. Tutors can help with specific problems, general concepts, or calculator use. Currently we offer tutoring in the following subject areas:

  • Lower level math
  • Upper level math
  • Statistics*
  • Career specific math such as:
    • Math for trades*
    • Math for teachers*
    • Math for nurses*

*Note that tutoring for specific math classes have limited availability. Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator for availability.

Resources for SJC Math Students

  • Graphing and Scientific Calculator Checkout: We check out calculators to San Juan College students enrolled in math classes.
  • Hot-sheets: These handouts contain useful information on a variety of topics including order of operations, trigonometric identities, calculus concepts, and many more.
  • Manipulatives: If you are a hands-on learner, math manipulatives may help you learn more effectively through tactile experience. Ask a tutor for access to these tools. Some of these include:
    • Manipulatives for fractions
    • Probability kits
    • Cartesian coordinate boards
  • Computers are available for use when receiving tutor help. Some of our computers have Maple and Matlab installed on them. 
  • Canvas Online Math Lab: Find helpful documents and links through our Canvas group.  Enroll in Online Math Center for free.

Online Math Resources

We offer tutoring in the following areas:

  • Survey of Physics
  • Physics 1
  • Physics 2
  • Statics
  • Dynamics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Circuits
  • Intro to MATLab
  • Intro to Engineering
  • Engineering Graphics

We provide tutoring support for both Algebra-based and Calculus based Physics 1 and 2. We also provide support for Labs and Lab Reports.

Please note that tutoring for specific classes may have limited availability. Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator for availability.

Physics Resources

  • Hot-sheet:  handouts containing summaries of physics-related topics
  • Physics manipulatives
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks

Online Physics Resources

Physics – Very rich in its own right with a search bar to find other physics sites.


Engineering Toolbox - Tools and Basic Information for Design, Engineering and Construction of Technical Applications

Phone: (505) 566-3981
Student Center Building
Room 1611

Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat & Sun: Closed